***Real Estate Marketing Unleashed Email Swipes*** Note: It's recommended that you customize these to match your normal emails and tailor the pitch to your list. Email #1 - Pre-sell Subjects: Real Estate Agents are Happily Paying 1,000/mo for this... An Easy Method for Landing Real Estate Agents Drive RED HOT Real Estate Leads on Autopilot Autopilot recurring income from real estate agents? Build Recurring Income from this booming niche... Unique Lead Method for Marketing Real Estate Agents (recurring) Heads Up! Body: Hey there, Just wanted to give you a heads up on this killer new lead gen system being released tomorrow that drives red hot leads to real estate agents while building recurring income on autopilot! Real Estate is one of the best local niches to target simply because of their high value per customer, the average agent makes $3,400 per sale! Not only that but the housing market is booming right now and not slowing down anytime soon. There is a HUGE Demand amongst agents for legit leads that actually convert to sales. That's what's so powerful about the system Neil & Robert are releasing tomorrow...it shows you how to drive RED HOT real estate leads on complete autopilot! Not only that but they are including a killer real estate video creator as a BONUS that you can use to create UNLIMITED VIDEOS for FREE. During this exclusive launch they are going to teach you how it works AND even include a software that delivers for you in just a few clicks! The best part is you can easily build high ticket recurring income with this, Neil & Robert have had agents paying them $1,000/mo for these leads for years! You can literally build an entire agency around this service or simply add this lucrative recurring income stream to your existing business. Either way you're definitely going to want to scoop this up when it goes live tomorrow (great early bird deal) and implement what these guys are teaching right away. This stuff is gold. Keep an eye out for my email tomorrow with details on my bonus and the link to grab this right when it goes live. SIGN OFF ---------------------------------------------------------------- Email #2 - LIVE Early Bird RE Marketing Unleashed is NOW LIVE! (early bird + bonuses) Killer New Autopilot Lead Gen System is NOW LIVE! Bank $1k/mo from Real Estate Agents... {Live} Drive Real Estate Leads on Autopilot... {Early Bird} Autopilot Recurring Income from Real Estate Agents Body: Hey there, The revolutionary real estate marketing system I told you about yesterday just went live with a killer early bird special. Grab it here - LINK This system was developed by Neil Macpherson & Robert Dickson after years of working with Real Estate agents to drive leads. They've perfected driving RED HOT Real Estate leads on complete autopilot and right now you can swipe their entire system for a crazy low launch price. You get their entire system for landing clients slick real estate video creation software as a cool bonus. Then you get their entire lead gen system that drives leads to real estate agents broken down step-by-step, pure gold. Once Real Estate Agents see what you can do for them this sytem it'll be easy to keep them paying you $1,000/mo for years to come! This system is cutting edge and combined with the bonus software (plus six additional bonuses) this is just an unbelievable, no brainer deal. Make sure you head over there and grab this right now during the early bird special, you'll be glad you did. Grab it here - LINK Once you buy through that link you'll also recive the following bonuses from me/us... LIST YOUR BONUSES All you have to do is buy through our link... Grab it here - LINK And your bonuses will automatically be avialble in warriorplus. SIGN OFF